LEVEL 1 - $27

LEVEL 2 - $87

LEVEL 3 - $247

✅ Host-narrated ad during 1 episode.

✅ Host-narrated ad during 4 consecutive episodes.

✅ Host-narrated ad during 13 consecutive episodes.

✅ Sponsorship mention in all social media content promoting the episode in the days immediately leading up to and immediately following the episode air date.

✅ Sponsorship mention in all social media content promoting the episodes in the days immediately leading up to and immediately following the episodes air dates.

✅ Sponsorship mention in all social media content promoting the episodes in the days immediately leading up to and immediately following the episodes air dates.

✅ Sponsorship mention in one newsletter promoting the episode.

✅ Sponsorship mention in each newsletter promoting the episodes.

✅ Sponsorship mention in each newsletter promoting the episodes.


LEVEL 1 - $27

✅ Host-narrated ad during 1 episode.

✅ Sponsorship mention in all social media content promoting the episode in the days immediately leading up to and immediately following the episode air date.

✅ Sponsorship mention in one newsletter promoting the episode.

LEVEL 2 - $87

✅ Host-narrated ad during 4 consecutive episodes.

✅ Sponsorship mention in all social media content promoting the episodes in the days immediately leading up to and immediately following the episodes air dates.

✅ Sponsorship mention in each newsletter promoting the episodes.

LEVEL 3 - $247

✅ Host-narrated ad during 13 consecutive episodes.

✅ Sponsorship mention in all social media content promoting the episodes in the days immediately leading up to and immediately following the episodes air dates.

✅ Sponsorship mention in each newsletter promoting the episodes.

Brooksville, FL

United States of America

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Brooksville, FL

United States of America